Rules for orders:
If your order doesn't arrive, contact us on Telegram within 24 hours using our handle @grahamrhonda. We will send out another equivalent package as soon as our team completes all verifications.
You will receive tracking information within 24 hours after you've completed payment for your order.
To complete payment, send bitcoin to our wallet address:
When completing your order, take note of the steps displayed on the payment page.
You may buy bitcoin using Cashapp or at a nearby bitcoin ATM. You can find a nearby bitcoin ATM at coinatmradar.com. To buy bitcoin on Cashapp, you need to first verify your account in order to activate crypto purchases. Tap the Bitcoin tab on your Cash App home screen. Tap withdraw BTC to external wallet. Select an amount or tap … to enter a custom amount. Enter your PIN and select Confirm.
Rules for shipping:
Depending on the shipping option you choose, you may receive your package within 24h to 5 business days after you completed payment.
If you ordered below the minimum order quantity and already completed payment, you may complete your order automatically by placing another order that completes the total of what you ordered to at least the minimum order quantity. You can also reach out to us on Telegram at @grahamrhonda or by email for more steps on manually completing your order.
We can ship to all US states and Canada, Europe, and Australia, as well as South America and the Middle East.
Other rules:
We strongly advise that you communicate all sensitive information using the secure messenger application - Telegram or by email using encrypted email services such as protonmail
We delete all order logs within 5 days after the customer confirms they received their shipment. We do not store or share client information with anybody.